Sunday, April 24, 2011

To begin

As I approach this gargantuan task. I must thank those who are encouraging and offering me help. Obviously @growingdark is high on the list. He offered to answer any questions I may have and consult bible profs if he doesn't know the answers. I am touched by the effort he is willing to go to. But closer to home I was talking with Anka a friend of mine who has studied the old testament in Hebrew, I asked her for some advice she said and I quote "Maybe just to remember that it was all written by different people and some of them were very smart and some of them were just loonies, but it can be a very philosophical and even spiritual reading experience." And I must say from what I have heard, I agree and I cant wait to get reading. I will be starting on the new testament and I might read and note take a bit before I go to sleep.

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